The first official program of "IranWA" was held on the night of Persian Yalda (celebrating winter solstice in northern hemisphere) December 21st , 2022 at Hillarys Yacht Club and titled "Yalda in memory of Mahsa". About 75 Iranians living in Western Australia attended this event and during the ceremony, they honored the memory of freedom fighters who sacrificed their lives in the fight against the Islamic regime.

The guests arrived at the club at around 6 p.m. and the event started at 6:30 p.m. with Samira (the host of the program) welcome speech and a minute of silence in honor of the martyrs of the Iranian recent revolution. Afterwards, the young artist Rasta played some famous pieces of Persian music by piano.

Later on at the event, Omid , the director of "IranWA", while commemorating the revolution of the Iranian people, told the guests about the reasons for establishing the association and explained its goals. IranWA also appreciated the efforts of all the activists who had tried to coordinate and hold rallies and protests in the city of Perth in the past few months.

Ms. Nasim , who is one of the political activists of the State, expressed her happiness about this gathering. borrowing from the political concept of Yalda, she spoke about the history of the revolutionary movements and the hope for the bright future of the recent movement.

Then an impressive artistic performance was carried out by Mona , which symbolically depicted the concepts of protest, execution and renaissance.

After this show, activist and rally coordinator Ms. Niloofar read a poem she had composed about the recent events in Iran for the guests.

Next, a number of Iranian and non-Iranian artists performed pieces of traditional music which was well received by the audience.

At the end of the live music, Fatare , the spokesperson of "IranWA", gave explanations on how this community works and explained the organizational structure of the association.

Then, in a live communication to London, Dr. Mahmood Kavir, writer and researcher in Persian history and culture, spoke to the guests about the importance of Hafez's poems, modern interpretations and characteristics of classic poems. At the end, after reading a poem by Mr. Saleh and serving dinner, the event ended after 2 and a half hours.

In this program, all the loved ones who helped IranWA on its journey were thanked and appreciated, and as a memorial, all the families were presented with small paintings of revolutionary symbols (women life freedom), prepared by the female members of the community.

Alongside the main program, a picture of Mahsa Amini was painted by an Australian artist Bertie Louise in addition to that,a large canvas drawing of "Woman, Life, Freedom" was beautifully painted and completed by the participants of the event.

IranWA constantly seeks companionship and support of its compatriots in the upcoming events and promises that it will not hesitate to make any efforts to create solidarity for common goals and be the Iranian’s voice.
